Kunstig intelligens i krig

Hvis man har interesse for hvor AI-teknologi er på vej hen og også lidt allerede står, så vil jeg anbefale episoden af Spøgelset i Maskinen, hvor man taler om brug af AI i krigsførelse og snittet mellem beslutningsunderstøttelse og ren autonomi.

Juristen fra Forsvarsakademiet kommer ikke fra humaniora – det er en åben, intelligent og reel diskussion om, hvad man teknologisk kan, hvad kan man tillade sig, hvad kan der aftales internationalt.

Det er MEGET interessant. Jeg sidder et sted, hvor dårlig automatisering kan hive ydelsen for et par tusind borgere, og det er ikke en lille ting – men der er alligevel et stykke til artilleri og ultimativt kernevåben.


Et kærkomment blast from the past – det viser sig, at Twentysixteen faktisk  giver de ting, jeg manglede med Oh-temaet i WordPress. Så bliver det det, der kører indtil videre.

Det ser meget civiliseret ud i en mobil-browser også.

Edit 19.10.2022:

Okay, den lavede nogle sjove ting, når man indsætter billede; så jeg spolede et år frem og skiftede til Twentyseventeen i stedet. Den er spartansk på grænsen til det klosteragtige – men den virker.

Til gengæld kom Twentysixteen rigtigt meget til sin ret på UforAs citat-side, hvor den passer godt ind.

Shaarli – Manage your bookmarks

(This was first posted on the discontinued blog at mjjzf.eu)

Shaarli is a selfhosted PHP-based bookmark manager.
Shaarli let’s you set link title, tag and annotate links and create media previews. It has browser bookmarklets and mobile apps to access and create new bookmarks.
Links can be set to public or private requiring login.
Links can be shared by tag, so you can share all files tagged with a project.
Links are stored in a file, no database required.
Shaarli is available from https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli and documentation from https://shaarli.readthedocs.io . There is an Android app available to send URLS to the database.

Duolingo – sproglig infotainment

Jeg er på det seneste begyndt at dyrke Duolingo, en sprog-lærings-app. Mere specifikt dens Android-app, som fungerer rigtigt godt.

Det er et produkt, der kan noget. Den rammer en fantastisk god balance i det, man skal, og i omfanget. Hver øvelse giver et antal XP, og man sætter selv hvor mange points der skal være det daglige mål. Så minder app’en én om, hvis man ikke er i mål. Desuden opererer de med “streaks” – hvor mange dage i træk man når sit mål.


Som man kan se er der et vist niveau af gamification i det. Og det plejer at irritere mig – men det er faktisk velfungerende. Man skal have lavet meget lidt for at blive rykket ned – men når man har været i gang i et stykke tid skal man alligevel en del øvelser igennem for at rykke op.

Prisen er hverken lav eller høj. 75 kroner kroner om måneden er ret meget for en app. Hvis jeg blev spurgt hvad jeg sagde til at købe en app for 900 kroner, så ville jeg nok sige tak, men nej tak – men det er jo faktisk hvad man ender med at lægge om året. og det er jeg villig til. Man kan jo også lukke abonnementet med det samme, hvis man ikke ønsker det.

Partitioning across systems: Separating user data

(This was first posted on the discontinued blog at mjjzf.eu)

Most people who only use one operating system will never have to think about this.
Everyone else will need to think about this.

We need to access our files. If we install one system on a computer, the files will be in their folders as intended, and everything is sweet and simple.

Early days

I have used Linux and the BSDs for a long time. Sometimes in conjunction with Windows – I currently have that on one machine equipped with a Windows gaming partition – but mostly with several distributions at once.
For a long time, my main system was Slackware. I would have a system partition for that and a swap partition. I would also install an experimental partition for something like Arch, Fedora, Debian or whatever.
In those days, the fashion became creating a separate /home partition and mounting that as a shared partition. Then you would have your data and settings available always. But as other distributions became increasingly current in their software and an increasing number of settings turned up in the home folder, it became problematic when versions of settings started interfering with each other.
The same can be an issue if you install new versions with the non-rolling releases.


Eventually, I started separating out the files based on my need.
I introduced a separate data partition – not /home, but data. In my case, I have created it as a BTRFS partition. So I will use:
/dev/sda1 - Main system
/dev/sda2 - Auxiliary system
/dev/sda3 - swap
/dev/sda4 - Storage

So now, there is a partition for music, video, photo and such. When I install a fresh system, I mount it to /mnt/storage – not creating a new filesystem and wiping the partition, mind you.
On the storage partition I create folders Documents, Photos, Video, Music.

When I have installed a new system, I will delete the regular folders in /home – ~/Documents et cetera. This seems intimidating, but they will be replaced, because – I then create a symlink to the folders on the storage partition with a simple
ln -s /mnt/storage/Documents

After this, I have the folders I need, but without recycling a home partition. If your installation is suddenly broken for some reason, you will still have all your user files intact on a separate partition ready for a reinstall as necessary.
When mounting the folders like this, you will have all the default folders set up. The music player will now look in ~/Music which is in fact /mnt/storage/Music, the office applications will look in Documents – all according to the FreeDesktop standards.
I will usually have to define the owner of the folder in the system, but that is straightforward rights management.

Delta Chat – a refreshing take on messaging

(This was first posted on the discontinued blog at mjjzf.eu)

Looking at the screenshots, Delta Chat is a messaging app. Yet another messaging app, one might be tempted to say. Whatsapp, Messenger, Skype, Telegram, Signal, Discord and so on.
That would be true, and the regular functions are there: Chat, exchanging photos, audio messages, contacts. But the protocol is different. Delta Chat is in fact a mail client, you see.
It is an elegant… I hesitate to call it solution, but it is definitely an interesting suggestion.
Taking turns attacking centralised structure, the untrustworthy gatekeepers, the complexity of federated setups, data mining operations, encryption standards criticised by a disparate guerilla army of technologists with arguments impossible to assess by 99,999% – the messaging wars leave you tired and puzzled.
So the novel suggestion:

  • Use an established protocol
  • The app does not have to reinvent the wheel. Transferring files? They are just attachments. Attachments work.
  • Trust the people you already entrust with your email with your chats, or someone else; it is, after all, not like you can not track down an email provider
  • Send a message to someone not using the app, they simply receive an email. If you have turned on the encryption options, there are email apps supporting the same Autocrypt protocol. It will fall back to regular email Transport Encryption (TLS).

Screenshot of Delta Chat on Android
So here is the thing in action:

  1. Posted a link – that became clickable
  2. Inserted an image file from media picker – that inserted an image; there is also an option to grab from camera.
  3. Audio files uploaded render as a small player – unfortunately not the file name.
    This file was recorded with the recorder button at the bottom, so essentially a voicemail.
  4. This was an upload of the Moonshine Sonata stored on the phone. Took some time to transfer.
  5. Last but least, a non-standard experiment: An epub file I had on the phone from Gutenberg.org. It is just email; this is just an attachment.

Of course you then get the restrictions imposed by email. There may be a maximum attachment size; some mail services may flag this kind of email or the message frequency; and it still works as a mail drop, so no live video chat: You record it and send it.

It is well executed. The application is modern and efficient, works well in Android, which is available from the Play Store and F-Droid. There is a beta-stage desktop client being developed for Linux and MacOS as well as a mobile app for IOS. I got it working with the provided Flatpak under Fedora 30:
Desktop client screenshot

Zettlr – Getting closer to Markdown

(This was first posted on the discontinued blog at mjjzf.eu)

So, I have been talking about Markdown.
Actually, it is starting to feel like I only hit this blog to whine about markup languages.
Anyway: I have been playing with Zettlr, and it is… really getting there.

Zettlr is developed by the initiative of Henrik Erz, a researcher who wanted a reliable tool for project notes and journal writing. It seems there is quite an ecosystem around it (enough to make me wonder why I have not heard of it before, at least) – and it looks like there is quite a lot of effort going into translation, too.
One can see the academic style of it – on the one hand, it seems somewhat Spartan, on the other hand room has been made for a footnote function… so, priorities.
Good to see that the app has quite a few export options! It is impressive, this should cover the needs of almost everyone:

It uses LaTeX (xelatex) to render the PDF files. When you see that it will export to Org-Mode, you know that it is intended for people who are serious about their notetaking habits.
I am a long way from getting into the advanced features, but this is a tool you can use from day 1 and then expand on your methods. I really like the design, and I really like the approach. Note, for instance that when I have written a Markdown link like [ linkname ] (link), Zettlr automatically pulls it together to show a hyperlink; if I click on it, it opens up the markup. Perfect. The same happens if you insert an image.
Interestingly, the author recommends using a cloud synchronising folder to write with, and that is definitely a good idea – and a good reason to use folders with plaintext and attachments stored in the same folder.
One should perhaps expect it, but the Zettlr documentation is well-structured, excellent and gets around a bit.
It gives you tips to using Zettlr for larger projects, recommended settings for using it for notetaking or writing as well as for using the Zettelkasten method. You will also find an interesting citation management tool for hooking up with, say, a Zotero reference database. Finally, the application has an in-built Pomodoro timer for staying productive and on track.

Now, I am a public-sector bureaucrat – so I am not the obvious use case; but if I ever go back to university or will be doing course work, this is definitely a recommendation.

Eksperimenter med Delta Chat

Jeg har på det sidste haft fat i Delta Chat.

Kender I det med, at man bruger en platform, som man synes er genial, men som man er den eneste, der bruger? Yep.

Programmet er overraskende nok en chat-app. Men den har et særligt twist. Vi har jo på det sidste hørt en del til den måde store virksomheder forholder sig til éns personlige oplysninger. Men kender vi en måde, man kan kommunikere på, hvor man ikke har givet det hele væk? Delta finder svaret – et uventet sted. Det der med at folk er begyndt at bruge chat, fordi email virker tungt? Den tager vi lige og vender på hovedet.

For Delta sender emails. Wow, Morten har opdaget emailklienten. Weil… It is and it ain’t.

For den ligner mest af alt Telegram eller WhatsApp. Det er bare email, der er kommunikationsprotokollen! Lad os kigge på den:

Så altså, rimeligt genkendeligt.

Lad os kigge på indstillingerne:

Herunder de enkelte sektioner:

Men man får nogle ting foræret ved at det kører gennem email. For der er ikke en masse bøvl med filformater, for det er en protokol beregnet til at man kan klistre enhver fil fast til den. Når Delta genkender et billede, så vises det. Genkender den ikke en vedhæftning, linkes der bare til den.

Som det ses i denne video, så indsætter jeg en EPUB, nogle billeder og en PDF. Det fungerer glat:

Sidst, men ikke mindst: Hvis man ikke har Delta, er man ikke helt låst ude – for den afleverer jo bare en email:

Som jeg læser deres hjemmeside, så er Delta endnu ikke til rådighed på Google Play Store, men den kan findes på F-droid, som er en alternativ app store, den kan installeres på iOS – og der er desktop-klienter under udvikling.

Tilføjelse 22. april 2022: Man kan nu finde Delta Chat på Play Store.

Plain text, pain text

(This was first posted on the discontinued blog at mjjzf.eu)

It is fair to say there is a good number of things in this world that I am ambivalent about.
But there is one thing has a special place in my heart gut: Working in plaintext.

I played with LaTeX, much like everyone else – on Slackware, my old companion for a long time, it is even included as part of the standard installation. I have also experimented with AsciiDoc, and I am writing this using Markdown.
I obviously love the essential principle: Working from some basic templates, I write with a bit ot markup and press the make it so-button to have the system generate something pretty. Excellent. Also, because you can turn it into whatever. I was quite fascinated with Publican, a tool to create documentation used by the Red Hat tribe, which I was introduced to by Klaatu on Hacker Public Radio episode 0866. You write your document and tell the system “I want this in docbook, PDF and ePub, please” – and just wait. Awesome. David Collins-Rivera (Lostnbronx) tells about using txt2tags to generate various document types.
And of course, there is the great Org Mode, which some people use to keep their lives together in organised text format; and you will find a lot of people who found salvation in Todo.txt (see examples at a recent HowToGeek article on todo.txt).
In more recent times, I have been going through a lot of these tools and thoughts again, inspired by Scott Nesbitt’s Plain Text Project.

It is, however, usually a pain in the assets. So shoot me.
To be fairly, this is partly because I am Danish and Unicode is still a challenge. Most of the GUI apps can handle that, but when you get into plaintext territory, a lot of software basically expects you to be in the US. Which also becomes clear when you look at the keyboard shortcuts in some apps. But when you are writing, it usually means you need to escape characters or be quite specific about what kind of character set I just might be talking about.
But the idea that this is all plain text files… well, let us look at that. I mentioned the Todo.txt article before. Let’s just see:

Plain text, right? Well.
When I was starting to use LaTeX, it was obviously for the 1337 geek factor of it, because you do, I was 800 years younger and difficult was not an obstacle. But I am becoming increasingly less fascinated with the thought of doing this stuff by hand – writing a letter should take less than a day, I have come to feel – and more attracted to seeing these formats as exchange formats. For instance, I like using LyX to write documents. It has the advantages of writing LaTeX while still presenting something I can work with. It still has heavy forced templating. I also like to use JabRef for bibliography files, and it exports BibTeX. And as for just banging out text, I love using Focuswriter, which at least puts out OpenDocument, even if it would be the most obvious tool for making Markdown!
I like to use Nextcloud Notes for shorter notes, but the Markdown tool is actually quite good – and the Nextcloud Notes Android app is better, because it illustrates my point: It lets me write in Markdown, but toggle between showing the Markdown and the actual text with rendered markup. That is all we wanted in the first place, right?

Obviously, literally minutes afterafter I wrote this, I looked around for some other articles and found my opinions better expressed in Adam Hyde: What’s wrong with Markdown.